Curriculum Entry & Exit Points
The pathway that they follow will lead to options for further development through college pathways or exit points into adult life.
(Please note that not all pathways are available for the 2024/25 academic year on all campuses)
Post 16
Students will benefit from a curriculum that has been developed over several years, and has achieved national recognition as a model of good practice in SEND.
Following this programme of study, the first exit point from the college occurs. Students will be able to move on to further education, training or employment.
Post 18/19
Pathway to Employment - The length of the study programme will be determined by the student's readiness for the world of work. The standard study programme is 2 years, which can be consolidated with a final year of a
Supported Internship. However, if a student is ready to access a supported internship after 1 year on the Pathway to Employment, then the college ensures that the student is given an appropriate offer to become an intern in their second year with us.